Life Skills & Entrepreneurship

This course focuses on developing essential life skills and entrepreneurial knowledge. Participants will learn strategies to improve personal development, financial…

Last Updated : July 7, 2024

This course focuses on developing essential life skills and entrepreneurial knowledge. Participants will learn strategies to improve personal development, financial literacy, and business management, preparing them for successful careers and personal endeavors.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop key life skills for personal and professional growth.
  • Gain financial literacy and money management skills.
  • Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship.
  • Learn effective business planning and management techniques.

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Life Skills
  • Financial Literacy and Money Management
  • Basics of Entrepreneurship
  • Business Planning and Management
  • Personal Development and Communication Skills
  • Evaluation and Certification Processes

What you will learn?


  •  Essential life skills for personal and professional success.
  •  Financial literacy and effective money management.
  •  Fundamentals of starting and managing a business.

Personal development and effective communication strategies

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